Over a period of two years (2019-2022), we investigated the major construction site »Stuttgart 21« in an artistic-experimental way. The construction site was reinterpreted as an archaeological site. In the context of this work, we take on the role of excavators by photographically documenting the construction site, collecting finds,3D scanning them, archiving them, and examining them for their aesthetic and functional characteristics. In a kind of modern palimpsesting process, the finds were further processed, thus giving them a new value. The various contributions to the project offer the possibility of an interactive debate and create reference between layering, reinterpretation and superimposition. They celebrate the unfinished, the transformation process and highlight the spatial and aesthetic qualities of urban space. At the same time, the work can be understood as a documentation for the future. When the process of construction of Stuttgart 21 is completely displaced and no longer perceptible.
From foam remnants to bent reinforcing steel bars or from stone fragments to lost textile gloves, a rich collection of material remnants, fragments and recognizable objects has been created. The finds were 3D scanned and prepared for the public in the form of a digital archive. The finds can be compared on the archive's website www.city-mine.online for their textures, shapes and information on dimensions and weight.

- ACM.3.1-6: Digital archive
Observation as part of the research and research as part of the documentation. The video work Momentaufnahmen by Tamara Wirth is a meticulously observed collection of observations that can be traced back completely objectively to the perception of the creator. The focus on the personal view of the construction site serves as a supplement and perhaps also as an explanation. The emphasis is on the supposedly unimportant and detailed details that take place during a construction phase.

The Earthroom forms the scenography for the exhibition of the research project. Various soils from the Stuttgart 21 construction site were collected, dried, crushed and processed into plaster. For this process, we used our specially developed petrification technology, with which we process mineral materials as an alternative to conventional concrete. Visitors to the exhibition are invited to "go underground" through the earth room and view the finds collected from the Stuttgart 21 construction site in a new context. The earth is the medium that envelops the finds at the site and plays an important role in archaeology in determining the affiliation and origin of a find. This work therefore not only examines the possibility of reusing earth as a building material, but also uses its metaphorical meaning as a formal means.

- ACM.7.1-6: Exhibition views